Blackbing Playground

Javascript in IE Mobile 6.0

  1. Is Ajax support on Internet Explorer Mobile?

    Actually, IE Mobile’s Ajax support dates back to Windows Mobile 2003.

  2. javascript & AJAX 實做心得

    1. 可用AJAX,但desktop IE的javascript Framework有很多function不適用,因此建議還是依需求開發。

      1. 針對AJAX部份我有根據官方範例寫了一個Ajax call function for Mobile IE

    2. 基本的javascript幾乎都支援,getElementById, setTimeout, etc..

    3. 只有button 有onclick事件,其他如DIV、SPAN上沒有這種event。

    4. 請注意IE Mobile 沒有「onMouseOver」事件。

    5. CSS支援度差,不支援定位(position, top, left),且javascript存取css的方式也有限,必須反覆測試style的表現。

    6. On Smartphone/PocketPC 2003 innerText and innerHTML Properties are only supported on div and span elements.

      On Windows Mobile 5 innerText and innerHTML Properties are supported on all elements.

  3. 開發AJAX應用程式的注意事項:

    1. 使用者介面越簡單越好

    2. 資料傳輸量越精簡越好(JSON)

    3. DOM tree 越淺(shallow)越好

    4. 若有大量資料要隱藏,請避免使用display:none,直接採用DOM操作方式remove掉。(保持頁面資料越精簡越好)

    5. 盡可能不要讓使用者輸入data,改由select方式

    6. Adding On-Demand Script

  4. 其他:

    1. how to configure Internet Explorer Mobile to display script errors?

      To configure IE Mobile to display script error messages requires you to create a new registry entry.

      1. Open the device/emulator registry using the Remote Registry Editor or other Windows Mobile registry tool

      2. Navigate to the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

      3. Create a new DWORD entry for the key; name the new entry ShowScriptErrors and set the value to 1

      4. Soft-reset the device/emulator

        Once you complete these steps, IE Mobile will display error messages for any script errors that occur.

    2. Enabling Cross-Domain Calls in Your Development Environment

      When working in your development environment, you can disable the security check that prevents the XMLHTTP object from making a cross-domain call. You do this by modifying the value of the appropriate registry entry using the following steps.

      1. Open the device/emulator registry using the Remote Registry Editor or other Windows Mobile registry tool

      2. Navigate to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Internet Settings\Zones\3

      3. Change the value of the entry named 1406 to 0.

      4. Soft-reset the device/emulator

        Once you complete these steps, the XMLHTTP object can call into any domain without restriction.

  1. 參考資料:

    1. Mobile Web Development

    2. Mobile DOM Reference Guide

    3. Mobile CSS Support

    4. Windows Mobile Developers Wiki